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Are Secondhand Utility Vehicles Worth It?

woman inside the car

Businesses such as restaurants, depots, and supermarkets will need to get their materials and resources from their supply cache at some point in time. In most cases, these establishments will have warehouses that will house their stockpiles of supplies. For businesses to move supplies from one location to another, a utility vehicle such as trucks is needed.

Whether you’re starting your own restaurant, loading construction materials for a housing project, or setting up a farm for your crops, having a utility vehicle can help boost the logistics of any type of business. However, a brand new light-duty pickup truck might set you back around $50,000, with some full-sized pickups costing more than $70,000.

Naturally, for most business owners, this amount of funds could be used in another aspect of the business. What’s a solution to this problem? Used utility vehicles are a great way of improving transportation and logistics without having to spend too much.

Are Used Trucks Worth It?

Since there are a variety of different trucks that are available in the market, being able to discern the type of fuel that’s being used for a particular vehicle can help you determine if they’re worth it. In most cases, a diesel pickup truck will be more expensive that one that is operating on gasoline. You might want to weigh-in on several other conditions and the cost of the vehicle.


Let’s face it: you’re not going to be participating in a car show any time soon with a used utility vehicle. As the name suggests, it’s there to be used as an equipment for moving supplies around. No matter how rugged your truck might be, if it can do its job, then it’s fit for the role. You can never go wrong with a utility vehicle on stand-by if needed. The function should come first, then design when it comes to choosing logistical equipment.

woman holding keys to her car


Used utility vehicles are a testament to its durability and longevity. The fact that it’s still in use after decades or years of use means that it’s not a vehicle that will give-in at any moment. Most gasoline-powered trucks can run a lifespan of around 200,000 miles, with most being able to go further with constant maintenance.

If you’re looking for longer-lasting vehicles, diesel-powered trucks are even hardier, with a lifespan of around 500,000 to 800,000 miles on the road. That is in part to the heavier and sturdier engine and body type of diesel trucks.

Naturally, it’s always a good practice to ask first on how many miles a truck has gone before making any final deals. An extensive checkup is also in order if you need to know more about the parts of the vehicle.

Lower Depreciation Risk

Almost all types of vehicles will lose half of their value in three years. Some of them might even lose 65% of its value after five years. Some trucks, especially those that run with diesel, have less depreciation. That is usually because it has a suitable amount of longevity and durability that’s not present in other types of vehicles.

Systems to Check

Of course, when it comes to using second-hand vehicles, it’s always a good practice to first check all systems and parts.

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that a used vehicle will have some parts that are already out of its lifespan. One of the most critical systems that need to be working is the transmissions. It’s a complex system used to control all the essential parts while driving your car.

Most experts would suggest that continuous checkups on the transmission should be done. If ever a component breaks down, it might be permanent. The only way of ensuring that you will have a sound transmission system after a component breaks down is by completely rebuilding that particular part or replacing the system entirely.

If this is the case, then you might want to check out with a trusted mechanic for a transmission rebuild service. This process helps replace dysfunctional parts and components with brand-new and upgraded parts that will ensure that everything runs smoothly.

To cut to the chase: yes, utility vehicles are worth it. Not only will they help in boosting your business’s productivity, but it can also improve the logistical support of it.

When choosing a used vehicle, there’s more that you will need to look out for. While we’ve outlined some key features that you might check out, these are the tip of the iceberg. Compared to finding a car that’s for personal and family use, you won’t have to look far. If it can carry the right amount of cargo and is durable and functional, then you won’t have any problem at all.

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