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What Every First-time Car Buyers Need to Know

car salesman showing features of the car to customer

Owning a car offers a lot of perks, and these advantages are the reason many people aspire to have a vehicle for personal use. This also explains why the automotive industry is booming in numerous progressive countries. For instance, in New Zealand, 40,374 passenger cars and 21,458 commercial vehicles have been sold from January to May 2019 alone.

Ranked as the top five brands or makers of best-selling commercial vehicles are Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Holden, and Nissan. In particular, Nissan car dealerships are growing in number in Auckland, specifically in the Newmarket and Botany Downs areas.

Despite these amazing figures in car sales, many people are daunted by the process of buying a car. Indeed, it can be tedious and stressful, considering that it involves many steps such as conducting initial research, exploring pre-financing options, making comparisons among brands and models, and negotiating terms with dealers.

Not only does the search for the right car necessitates a lot of time and effort. It can also be especially challenging for first-time buyers. It’s vital to note that the best car is completely relative and individualised. To find one that’s suitable for you, you need to assess your needs and preferences. To help you in this ordeal, here’s a list of tips and guidelines:

Set a budget

Evaluate your financial resources and set a realistic amount so you can narrow down your options quickly. Doing so will save you from future monetary troubles.

Now, this budget does not only refer to the purchase price of the car, but also the additional fees and required regular maintenance. To establish the right amount, calculate your monthly spending, including fixed obligations like rent, utility bills, and loan payments. Then, subtract the sum from your monthly income. What you have left can be spent on car-related expenses such as insurance, fuel, and mechanical maintenance.

Set a budget before doing your search in car dealerships. This is important because what can be worse than falling for a certain awesome car only to find out later that you can’t afford it? Avoid crushed feelings with proper planning.

Determine your transportation needs

woman happy while driving

Consider the needs and demands of your lifestyle. Are you the type to go on a lot of out-of-town trips? Or are you home most of the time and just needs a car for travelling to and from work?

If you’re always on the go, it’s best to opt for cars with plenty of headroom and compartment space. You should also consider the gas mileage so fuel consumption won’t bury a hole in your pocket.

However, if you only need your car for day-to-day use, you can choose smaller cars because vehicles with larger engines, bodies, and interiors tend to cost more. Why bother paying for space that you won’t really need much?

Know your priorities

This is the perfect time to visit your list of wants and must-haves in a car. What are the features that appeal most to you? What kind of style or design reflects your personality? Which characteristics can and cannot be compromised?

Your financial capacity and transportation needs do matter more. However, what’s the point of buying a car you don’t like just because it matches your top requirements? Remember that you’ll be paying for this car for quite a while. If you regret your choice, the monthly payments will seem more burdensome.

Reward yourself by getting a car you can be fond of. This doesn’t mean higher costs, though. By exhausting online resources or asking for the assistance of a professional, you’ll surely find a car that you can afford, which offers all the features you want.

Car ownership can be rewarding, but only if you make a wise decision. Plan properly and stay practical while simultaneously having fun in the process.

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